
Photo by Heinz Walter Florin at Roskilde Fjord, 2023

Mermaid Mélisande – a magical happening with opera songs

Mermaid Mélisande likes to sing her beautiful, melacholy songs when humans can hear them. Only the sound of waves or splashing water accompany her voice.

Sometimes she appears at a lake or by a harbour, sometimes even inside a house when a party is going on – but she always disappears again without speaking to anyone. She either swims away or simply vanishes.

If you have a wish for a visit by the mermaid, please contact me (Nina) and I will bring your inquiry to Mélisande as soon as she comes to the surface again. Write to:

Photos and video by Heinz Walter Florin 2023

-fordi hvad var livet uden musik og sang? Eksperimenterende musikteater, storladen opera, inderlig poesi og groovy rytmer: Det er min hjemmebane og min passion!